Monday, August 20, 2012

Let's Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir

Let's Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson

I don't usually read two books at once but since I've been traveling so much this summer,  I developed a bad habit of leaving one behind at home and picking up another in an airport.  I can't be on an airplane without a book to read.  When I started to plan out what I wanted to write about Let's Pretend This Never Happened it occurred to me that I'd been reading it alongside Fifty Shades of Grey

Christian Grey never hesitates to tell us that he is fifty shades of f***ed.  Jenny Lawson, however has mastered the age old craft of writing by showing us that she is far more shades of f***ed than he will ever be.  And I mean that about her in a good way. Oh, in case you were wondering.  I do realize that Christian Grey is a fictional character and Jenny Lawson is alive and well even though her memoir is only mostly true.

I'd seen this book with the cute little mouse on the cover in the bookstore and had been drawn to it, picking it up and examining it on several occasions.  The cover blurbs however, weren't quite enough to convince me to make a purchase.   Then I read a review somewhere that said Let's Pretend This Never Happened was not to be missed, so I downloaded it on my Kindle without knowing why there is a stuffed mouse on the cover. 

This book is laugh out loud funny.  I am not kidding.  From the magic squirrel, to the bread sack shoes, to eating Exlax because it tastes like chocolate, to the human sized metal rooster, I couldn't stop laughing.  And every time Ms. Lawson wrote about a topic that couldn't possibly have happened in my mind, she included a picture to document the real thing. I laughed even more then. The photos would have been quite funny to look at on their own even without the backup story.    

I never like to give anything away in my book reviews, but now I know why there's a mouse on the cover.  There's alot of stories about taxidermy in here.  So if you're squeamish, don't worry. You'll still hoot and holler no matter where you are and people will stop and ask you what you're reading because you're causing such a ruckus. 

Jenny Lawson used the word f*** alot so I think she'll understand when I say she's far more than fifty shades of f***ed.  It's a wonderful quality to have, being able to laugh at yourself.  She is not afraid to poke fun at herself or her family. At least I think that's the case, according to her mostly true memoir anyway.  

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